Saturday, February 9, 2019

February 9, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Dreisys The Cook.

This morning Dreisys brought me my weekly supply of cooked food. Since she has had her baby, she cooks at home and brings the food to me in containers, which I carefully keep in a spot in the kitchen when they are empty., All her food is kept in the one fridge, the one that is a side by side freezer. I was delighted to see the baby who is big and bonny and laughs out loud. Her husband came too, which was the first time I had met him. His English is not good so he did not talk much but I think he can understand everything. He is a nice fellow and I was pleased to see them all. For lunch today I ate vegetable soup which was delicious. For dinner I ate chicken and onions along with mixed vegetables. She brought a whole container of cooked fresh vegetables so I just take out whatever amount I want for each meal. Both meals were cooked by Dreisys and brought to me this morning. She is now back at work so Jack goes to day care. Dreisys is busy. But she is happy to continue to cook for me, which pleases me. She is a good cook. Later this year they are taking a trip to Cuba so her Mother can see the new baby. They are excited but anxious. First they must obtain a passport for the baby. Getting a passport costs money and time, so folks trying to make ends meet find the expense difficult. But they have saved for the trip but they can not book a ticket until they have the baby's passport. Dreises is already worried about me when they are away as they expect to be gone two weeks. She did not want to hear that I would just go on a diet. My Cuban cook is looking after me. And for that I am grateful.

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