Tuesday, February 12, 2019

February 12, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Katy.

Now my big question is who is Katy. Roger is an artist who lives near us in Nova Scotia. He is good. We have several of his pieces at home there as well as two large paintings he made for us. One is just inside our front door here plus a lovely piece of the Carriage House. As it burned down the year after Roger painted it, we gives special meaning to the painting. He waited for just the right moment to paint it, with the sun coming across the water. One of Roger's pieces is over my chest in our bedroom. It is a nude from the back, done in brown and white. I have always liked it but it is the only nude I have ever seen by Roger...until now. Yesterday a large envelope came with a sympathy note and a calendar from Roger. The note was lovely, recounting his friendship with Ken. This year we will have lived in Nova Scotia for 20 year and we met and purchased art from Roger right from the beginning. On the front of the calendar is a painting of Katy, nude. Every month has another nude pose of Katy. The paintings are charming and beautifully done with sparse lines. It is Roger's 2019 calendar with his signature with a note for me. It is bound to be hung on the wall, using card stock, so it is sturdy. I love it. I am wondering if he sells them. But the most important question is "Who is Katy?" She must have posed many times for those paintings. I hope they were painted in the summer. Surprises please me but I must say I was certainly startled to receive a calendar from Roger with every month a nude painting of Katy. Such fun. Now would someone please tell me about Katy? Someone knows.

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