Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Temperature.

The temperature world has gone nuts. On Sunday, the temperature at the Western Head weather station was 91 degrees, which was the warmest temperature in Nova Scotia. That was the first time that had ever happened since the temperatures have been recorded. Outside on Sunday, the breeze was stiff. But it was hot. Normally the breeze is cool. But not on Sunday. That breeze was hot. When driving from Liverpool to Western Head, the temperature reading in the car starts to drop. Usually we are 10 degrees cooler than town. Sometimes it is 15 degrees cooler. But it is never warmer...until Sunday. Clausen drove from town to come home and his car registered 2 degrees warmer than town. He thought his car was broken. But no. In Nova Scotia for one whole hour the warmest place was at Western Head. It was amazing. Soon we got back to normal. By bedtime we were again cool while town was still hot. Today was chilly and damp but pleasant. On Sunday, Jackson, Mississippi had a 76 degree day while we registered 91 at Western Head. Crazy.

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