Monday, July 1, 2019

July 1, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Fish and Chips.

To celebrate being together in Nova Scotia we all went to their favorite place to eat fish and chips. It is advertised as "Worlds Best Clams", but we know it as the best place for eating fish and chips. The place is in Hunt's Point and is a perfectly ordinary restaurant, but to Christina and the girls, it is the only place to go for a celebration. Fortunately we arrived late when people were just leaving so we pulled three tables together and ate like one big family. The food was good and we all enjoyed our fish and chips. When we got home, everyone went to Gills to see the seals. Christina and all the girls went to swim at Sand Beach. Both Molly and Isabel actually went into the cold water. But did not stay in long. Tonight was the first night with the food from Stewart, our new caterer. We voted him a winner. We ate salmon, rice and mixed vegetables, which was delicious. We have a winner. But even though our dinner was excellent, it did not beat our meal at the favorite spot for fish and chips in Hunt's Point. And they serve delicious soft ice cream, another winner. Our day was full and happy, all 11 of us in Nova Scotia together.

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