Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 7, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. A Birthday Celebration.

Today we celebrated Mary's birthday. The South Shore Ukulele Group held a fund raised for the caleigh which will be held in October. It was billed as an afternoon of gospel songs. All talent was local. Two men played guitars and sang gospel songs, the ukulele sang and played and a lady from Milton sang with her husband on a guitar and with her on the keyboard. The concert was interesting. The audience sang along with the ukulele group so I was in high heaven. But the concert went on too long. And I forgot that the Baptist church sang two pieces. I was ready for it to be over at 3:30 but it lasted until 4:20. On the way home Gill commented that there were too many religious songs. We all laughed and reminded her that it was advertised as a gospel song concert. She had forgotten. But the best part was yet to come. Mary called Sobey's to cook the lobsters. We picked them up after the concert along with cole slaw and we retreated to Mary and Cliff's home to eat our lobster, which was delicious. For dessert we ate the last of the carrot cake and called it a birthday cake. And we sang Happy Birthday. The only thing we lacked was the candles. We drank camomile tea in the living room. Mary was happy with her birthday. I was happy with her birthday too.

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