Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Hidden Gem.

If you ever doubt the Power of One, just visit the Sculpture Garden behind Cosby's Garden Shop. One man made every one of the fifty sculptures and one made along with a helper or two landscaped the area so the paths wander through the woods to see the works of art. No sign announces the garden. A person must wander through the garden shop and the green houses and find the Sculpture Garden out back. At least there is a sign reminding children that this is not a playground. And there is a sculpture where donations can be placed to assist with the upkeep. The place is amazing. And the place is magical. Ivan made all the sculptures through the winters. It started about thirty years ago. The vision was in Ivan's brain. Every year he adds more sculptures to the Garden. Ivan teaches classes throughout the winter and he used his sculptures for teaching. One year he was watching ballet on TV so you can see the result. Another year he enjoyed the gymnastics during the Olympics and was entranced so you can find his gymnastic pieces. If you look carefully you will see the resemblance to Nick, who works in the garden shop and also was the model for the gymnasts. "You have no idea how long Ivan wanted me to stand on my hands with my feet directly over my head," said Nick. Ruth and I wandered around for ages. In the past, Ken and I were by ourselves as we enjoyed the place. But this time we saw at least 20 folks taking a look. Everyone was just as amazed as we were. Ruth suggested that the place should be the reason that folks come to Liverpool. Mostly the Sculpture is hidden from sight. But when you find it, the Sculpture is a gem.

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