Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4, 2019. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Our Daily Routine.

We begin to gather in the living room around 10:00. Ian and Rodney appear from their bedroom which used to be Ken's workshop while Jim and Eleanor wander over from the Guest House. The youngest girls are already watching TV and have come down from the bunk house. Christina has already left to pick up Mary Frances and Kate who are sleeping in the second floor bedrooms at Gills room. Christina and Gabriella live in adjacent bedrooms in the main house with me. Usually by 11:00 everyone has had breakfast and coffee and are ready for the excursion of the day. Every day must include a visit to Tim Hortons. Today was a beautiful day so they decided to go to Summerville Beach, where the little girls swam and everyone played in the water and walked the beach. Sometime around 3:00 they return home. Everyone showers. I stay at home and putter. The kids use the bikes or kayaks or just talk to me. Christina and Eleanor deal with the food the caterer has sent us. Bit by bit we gather in the living room for dinner and we eat around 7:30 at the dining table. Tonight for dinner The Mitchells and Gill joined us so we were a family of 14. For the past two nights Jim and the boys have made a fire before dinner. Then they all go down to the fire for S'Mores. They love them. Christina drives the girls back to Gill's home while the rest of us head for bed. Tired but happy. Our days have been fun but not fancy. We have all enjoyed their visit. Our daily routine has developed it's own pattern. Nothing rushed. Everything pleasant. Pretty nice.

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