Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. The Telephone.

I grew up talking on the phone. We had only one phone but between my sister and I, we kept that phone busy. The first year Ken and I met and Ken was working at the glass factory, Ken would call me from a pay phone on his way home from work and we would talk for ages. Ken used to laugh about it because when he lived in Parry Sound, he never used the phone. But until the first Christmas when we met until we married 32 months later we talked on the phone a lot. And of course, in the real estate world, I was on the phone all the time. But things have changed. In this modern world, people do not talk on the phone. They text. I do it too. When I need to ask Christina, I text her with my question. This morning, David and I had several texts back and forth. Finally he phoned me and we talked out the issue, which was all about how Lincoln was doing with his training. I still enjoy talking on the phone and always wish that friends would call me to say hello. Fortunately my brother phones me regularly, which I appreciate. I like to hear my family and friends voices, which makes me very old fashioned. Today I walked at noon. Usually I walk in the late afternoon but sunset is early and I do not wish to walk in the dusk or the dark, so I walked at noon. That meant that I had some time on my hands so I got on the phone. First I called my friend Mary and we got caught up with each others lives since I last saw her in Nova Scotia. Next I called my friend Florence who we always called Bossy Flossie. She was the leader of our timbrel group and so we needed to do what she said. We have been good friends since our teens but I had not spoken to her since late Spring. We had a lot to talk about. And I loved every minute. My hour was filled and with great glee I enjoyed the rest of the evening. I do enjoy talking on the phone.

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