Friday, November 29, 2019

November 29, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Getting Old.

I am soon going to turn 82. One of the pleasures of getting old is to watch the younger generation succeed and thrive and then cheer as their children get along with their lives. This summer, Gill and I talked about how sad we felt that Alan never got to experience the success of his sons and his wife. He would be so pleased. And my Father never got to see the grown up grandchildren and of their great success. At least he knew the children had children as Dave and Irene's children were born when he died. My Mother would have loved talking with her great-grandchildren about the English language. She was a wordsmith and as we have one English major in college and one with a PhD is English. She would be proud. But all those folks died too soon. One of my pleasures is keeping track of the children of my friends. The children of the Elys, Mitchells and Wus have always been part of my life. Ion fact we call us "The Other Mothers". And those children now have children and are all doing well with their lives. It is one of the great pleasures of getting old. My Mississippi friends have children at the time in their life when they are selecting a path for their life. I enjoy talking with them about their choices and I talk with my friends about the choices they are making. I often hear people complaining about their ailments as if those maladies were the most important part of their life. But not me. I am delighted to be 82 and to enjoy watching the next generations take their part in the world. And I only wish my relatives and friends had lived as long as I am living. Having just celebrated Thanksgiving, I am grateful for being old.

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