Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 5, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Christmas.

I like to plan ahead. Today, Bradley installed the outside lights. He forgot to set the timer so they did not go on tonight but tomorrow he will turn on the timer so tomorrow evening my entrance will new bright and cheery. Christina unplugged her lights until Thanksgiving, which makes sense.. The Christmas cards are signed and the address labels attached to the envelopes. Tomorrow I begin to address the envelopes. The bags for the girls and Christina have been done and are in my closet awaiting the delivery. Goodies have been ordered for the Texas and Mississippi families. I send them food from several different catalogues. I like to give gifts that keep coming such as the fruit of the month boxes. At the end of the dining table I have set out items that I need to take to Ontario, things I might forget at the last minute, such as gloves and wool socks. The day to board the plane will come quickly, especially at this busy time of the year so I want to be ready without being rushed. And rumor has it that new flannel sheets will be on the bed of the guest room I will be using in Ancaster. I will be warm and cosy during my visit. Christmas is coming and I will be ready.

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