Saturday, February 22, 2020

February 22, 2020. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Balcony.

The new furniture has made all the difference. We have always enjoyed the balcony. Until 3:30, the balcony is shaded and as we live on the 7th floor, we get a good breeze so sitting and talking or reading was always pleasant until the sun hits it so we come inside until 6:30. But we did not eat our meals there. The round table was small and the chairs were flimsy so we ate meals at the dining table. But not this year. We have eaten all our meals outside. The new table is rectangle and sits 6 comfortably. The chairs have cushions and so are comfortable. The new furniture is good looking and sturdy. When Wendy, Ken and I arrived, it took us until the third evening before we started eating dinner outside. We go right from eating sunset food on the balcony to eating dinner outside. The evenings are delightful. And we watch Venus every evening. Eating every meal on the balcony is a delight. And all because our furniture is better. Amazing.

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