Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28, 2020. Playa Royale, Mexico. My Last Beach Lunch.

Kathy and Ted are good friends. They both helped me when Ken was in the hospital. We had only met them the year before and they visited us in Nova Scotia the same summer along with Ted's grandchildren, so they were not long time friends. But they were good friends. They took turns visiting Ken both in the hospital and when he was recovering in the condo and they brought me dinner several times when I returned from the hospital. They helped in a practical way as well as emotional help. They were a Godsend. And two summers ago they visited us in Nova Scotia and were astonished to see Ken going up and down the stairs with ease. Ted had to admit that he felt that Ken was never being able to get out of the hospital. So they are dear, good friends. They have been here the whole time that I have been here and I have been with them many times but I have never been with them with just the three of us. They had company and I had company and I chat with them at the pool but today, for my last day, they invited me to the beach restaurant for lunch. We caught up on our families. And we talked. Last year they spent 3 months in New Zealand and Australia so I did not see them. Their plan was to visit me in Nova Scotia but their plans c hanged and when they could come our place was full. This year, they have a busy summer with weddings so will not be able to come to Nova Scotia but they will definitely be here at Playa Royale next January and February. And so will I. The setting is spectacular and the food was excellent but the company was the best. Thanks to Kathy and Ted for taking me for lunch on my last day. Now I look forward to seeing them next time.

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