Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 6, 2020. Playa Royale, Mexico. A Beautiful Day.

Finally, we had a wonderful day with our weather. Clear blue sky and sun makes everyone happy. Where I am sitting at the dining table, a game is going on at the other end. They are playing "Threes and Fives". Ian and Randy are playing against Rita and Gaby. The men are winning. Randy and Gaby arrived yesterday afternoon from Toronto. Today has been a better day. This morning all four went to the pool, which they enjoyed. Rita took Gaby on a tour of the place which Ian did with Randy. Now they know how to function, even to where to put the trash. We five ate lunch at the Beach Restaurant. The place was crowded but we enjoyed ourselves and the good food. Sitting looking out at the beach with the children playing is always a treat. I came up to put my feet up while everyone stayed at the pool. Ian accompanied me to the condo before returning to the pool. And tonight we had a real sunset. Dining on the balcony was also delightful: roast pork and vegetables. Now the four are playing a game and having a good time. It has been a fitting end to a beautiful day.

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