Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 10, 2022. Playa Royale, Nuevo Vallarta. Leftovers.

I love leftovers. Tonight I was a happy camper because Anne assembled a delicious dinner of all our leftover dinners. We ate vegetables that were cooked with the roast pork. They even better the second time. We ate strips of pork shops. Last evening we had one and a half left over. And we ate rice from last evening that was served with the pork chops. Anne had prepared a delicious dinner she called goulash, made of bround beef and lots of vegetables and rice. That rounded out our plate, which we all enjoyed. My Ken enjoyed leftovers but he liked them served two days later. He did not want the same meal for dinner two days in a row. I on the other hand have no problem eating the same food many nights in a row. Once my friend Beverley came to spend the week with me to work on upgrading my agent hand book. Ken had gone to Ontario to check out his family tree. Bev. and I went to work every morning and every evening we would come home to lasagna. I cooked a large lasagna the first evening and much to her surprise we ate it every night for dinner. We ate the last piece when Ken arrived home on Thursday. It made sense to me but Bev. was astonished and regaled her friends with the story when she went home to Vancouver. So now our refrigerator has been cleaned out and we will start tomorrow to gather a new round of good food that has been left from previous meals. I am looking forward.

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