Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 20, 2014 Artemas PA Farm in Spring

The leaves are all out on the trees. Just since we arrived, spring has arrived. This year, we are seeing an abundance of rabbits. They are everywhere. Tonight when Rita and Ian left our Hill House to return to the farm house, a cotton tail hopped all the way down the road ahead of their car. When I opened our door, he was sitting two feet from the deck looking at me, probably hoping I would leave the left over salad. And yesterday I saw a family of rabbits appear from under the deck by the old farm house. They must live under the deck. The Canada geese maintain their vigilance with their eggs. Soon the eggs will hatch. Bill T. told us that sometimes the little gosling clamber on the back of the goose and get flown away to safety., which must have happened when we saw the goslings on our corn field. Clever geese. It must also why we do not see the goslings for long on the pond. This is fortunate because our pond has snapping turtles whi like to eat baby goslings. The bluebirds are in breeding feathers and are beautiful. We see them everywhere on the farm.. Spring on the farm is almost magical with life bursting out everywhere you look. It is a grand time to be at the farm.

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