Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014. Ridgeland, Mississippi. Beginnings.

This afternoon, the girls and Christina unloaded the truck for us. I was on duty by the truck to be sure that only items for Mississippi were carried inside our condo. I did not wish to load the same objects back into the truck when we leave for Texas. At first when loading the truck at the farm I was careful to put all items for Mississippi be put into the back seat with the Texas stuff put in the bed of the truck but at the end, we were just stuffing things into the back of the truck and things got all mixed up. The girls saved us multiple trips up the stairs as well. They were a huge help. The ducks and Canada geese all have young ones so the girls fed them, first with bread then with cheerios. It was great fun. Our condo is twenty feet from the reservoir and the girls have always enjoyed watching them but this is the first time they have fed them. And lastly, we six went out to dinner at our local Mexican restaurant. All these events were beginnings. This was the first time the girls unloaded the truck without Andrew and the first time we dined out by ourselves without Andrew. Only once did we almost lost our composure when Molly said, "I wish that Daddy was here to come outside with me and see the ducks". Christina responded in a very matter of fact way by saying,"we all wish that", and the moment passed. We want to be sure that not all memories are behind us. Now I have a big task. Our condo is very small and I must incorporate this stuff into our life here without it being crowded. Tomorrow I will begin.

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