Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014. Benton, Kentucky. Ovaltine.

Ken for years has made us a cup of warm Ovaltine before we go to bed. We like it. But I can tell you that of all the people who have stayed with us over the years as house guests, no one has asked for a cup for a second night. It must be that they didn't like it. Last summer, Ken stopped doing it. There seemed to be no reason. He just stopped. Originally, we began drinking this warm drink as a soporific but as I had no trouble falling asleep, we just stopped drinking it before going to bed. Our supply of Ovaltine was drying out. A week ago, Ken began preparing us each a cup of Ovaltine. It was taking us until 4:00 each morning to fall asleep. Now I understand the impact of a placebo. During our many days at sea, I always wore my pressure wrist band and never got sea sick. Perhaps that was because the Ocean was calm, or perhaps it really worked in me to avoid nausea, or perhaps my mind told me that I was not queasy, due to my pressure wrist band. But I did not care. I wore my band and I felt fine. I suspect the same with the Ovaltine. All I know that now I fall asleep at a normal time, shortly after Ken gives me a cup of Ovaltine. The problem is that now we are on the road to the farm, staying at a Comfort Inn in Benton, Kentucky. There is no Ovaltine in this room!! Now what?


Joe Rubin said...

As my client would tell me, "It's a first world problem."

Joe Rubin said...

As my client would tell me, "It's a first world problem."