Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014. Trussville, Alabama. The Journey.

It turns out to be a good idea to drive on a holiday weekend. The trucks were off the road. This afternoon they came out in force but were heading north so once again we got lucky. The traffic picked up just north of Birmingham, so we found a motel and stopped for the night, with plenty of time for a walk. We even watched the end of the hockey game from last night. It was our intention to watch the game between New York and Montreal but Ken fell asleep while listening the anthems and I turned the game off at the end of the 1st period. It was an exciting game, even seeing it today when we already knew the score. Not wanting to get back into the car, we ordered Pizza and Pasta delivered to our room. "We now have enough food for three days," says Ken. How could I know the size of the portions? It was fun, eating in our room and watching TV. This motel has hundreds of channels. But they do not have the Antiques Roadshow channel. For shame. We have less than four hours to drive tomorrow. Ken will start driving and I will take over after two hours. When Ken gets tired, he sees double in one eye and today while driving around Chattanooga, on his second stretch of driving, he was seeing double. As soon as possible, we switched drivers but you can not change drivers in the middle of a city driving on the interstate that has no shoulders. It did get interesting, but we managed. And I completed the driving for today.

1 comment:

David Dickie said...

Mom: I record Antiques Roadshow; you can watch them when you get to Texas. Love, David