Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 25, 2014. Christiansburg, Va. The Journey.

I have never heard of this little town or of Radford University, which is close by, but we have stopped for the night and we are pleased we did. The Comfort Inn is lovely and costs $60. It is amazing to me that we have a desk, WiFi, full couch, comfortable chair, king sized bed and large bathroom with granite counters, all for this low price. And of course, they serve breakfast. Ken and I drove away from the farm looking at our next era. Our times at Artemas were wonderful but it is over and we must move on. Tammy asked me wistfully whether or not we would ever come back? My response was to say that you never know what will happen, but in my mind, I was saying no. We are ready to move on. The farm looks better than it did three weeks ago when we arrived. It would never have happened without Ian and Rita and Wendy, plus our friends Sara Lou and Joe. Ken could never have been able to get all the cleaning and sorting and organizing by himself with the out doors furniture and equipment. Now inside and out, the place is ready for the sales June 7 and June 14. And the farm is ready to be sold. Driving on the Sunday of a holiday weekend proved to be a good idea. The traffic was light and the trucks were mostly off the road. We expect traffic to pick up tomorrow afternoon so we will quit driving by 3:00. Of course, we just got lucky because when we planned our journey we did not realize it was a holiday weekend. I was using a Canadian calendar!! Our plan is to drive five or six hours tomorrow and leave the rest for Tuesday. Slow and steady is our motto.

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