Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014. Artemas, Pa. The Creatures.

The geese are taking turns sitting on their nest. Through rain or through storms, the goose stays in place protecting the eggs. The other goose is usually close by, either on the pond or napping on the small dock. Every year, these Canada geese use the same spot for their nest, right beside the pond on a bit of a peninsula jutting out into the pond. I have been trying to tell the geese to use another place for their nest, one that is not so obvious to predators, but they do not listen. Last year we saw the two adults and three ducklings parading around the fields up by the Hill House. At least they did one thing right, which was to take the duckling out of the pond where the snapping turtle eats them. Instead, they took the ducklings to the creek where they could not be molested so easily. The bluebirds are in full breeding color and are magnificent. You wonder how they can be so blue. Every birdhouse has nesting birds. Until we installed the 12 bluebird boxes, we never saw a bluebird, but it took only thirty minutes for the bluebirds began making a nest in the box closest to the old farm house. It was like magic. Now we see 30 bluebirds every hour. It is a wonderful sight. This farm does restore your soul.

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