Thursday, May 15, 2014

Something Good, May 14, 2014 Artemas, PA

Something good comes from everything that happens. I know that. Now I am trying hard to find the something good coming from the death of Andrew. These are the only things I have come up with, despite all my efforts. We are sorting and organizing at the farm. My niece Wendy is here helping us and we are enjoying her company., along with our cousins Rita and Ian. Andrew had a big funeral, with the church mostly full. And Andrew will never need a knee replaced. When he was 6, he had an infection in his knee, which left him with a terribly sounding knee. It was only a matter of time before that knee was replaced. He will also not be forced to disclose his buisiness decline. But that is all I can think of. Instead, I still feel a huge void in my life whenever I stop to think. And when I am by myself, for no reason at all, I weep which is not like me at all.. But we are still fighting hard to find the good that will come from the death of Andrew. It is not easy.


Unknown said...

Just give in to your grieve and don't try to fight it. Crying is a foreign emotion to people like you and me, but it is an appropriate emotion for what has happened and it will continue to be with you for a while. Sometimes we cannot see what plans God has for us through the pain. Andrew is not suffering any longer, he is at peace. In time you will start to heal and process these emotions but for now, it really, really hurts. Let's just put it out there, it simply sucks. Everyone feels for you and the pain your family is suffering. You're in our thoughts constantly.

Sara Lou Cardwell said...

Susan has said it beautifully. It just suck. Acknowledge your grief and mourn. This is appropriate and necessary. God does have a plan obscure as it may be now. You are in all our thoughts continually with love and support.