Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Poltergeist.

When the house was built, a set of lights was installed at each corner of our house.   We have never been able to turn those lights on.  Our assumption was that the light bulbs had burned out or that the electrical lines had broken so we paid no attention to them, knowing that the lighting man would eventually make everything right.  

But last evening as I sat on the deck, I realized that the outside spot tights were turned on.   Ken and I thought it would be an easy task to find the switch that controls the outside lights so we laughed and said that a poltergeist had snuck in and turned on those lights.  We spent an hour checking switches and finally ate dinner at 8:00 before returning to our task, all to no avail.  We could not get those lights turned off, even though we checked every switch in the house.

This house has a complicated lighting system.  It took the electrician three days to get things working.  Even today, there are switched that do not seem to control anything.  It is bizarre.  We wondered if the switch might be on a lower deck but Ken could find no switches.  Definitely, this house has magic powers.   Once I thought that my desk had magically locked itself but it turned out that Elizabeth had locked it and hidden the key.  This time though, the lights have just turned themselves on all by themselves.  Sooner or later we will find out how.

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