Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Easter Customs.

One thing I love on the morning of Good Friday is being able to stay in bed.  For years, I attended  Sun Rise  Service at a local park.  The  churches would gather together for a group service and the Salvation Army Band and Songsters were always asked to take part.   The drill was always the same whether I was in Canada or Maryland.  I recall many mornings being cold and damp, so we were always ready to go inside for the breakfast served by the ladies of the church.   This morning while I was in bed watching the sunrise, I was pleased to be almost 80, where I could stay snuggled in my warm bed.

Rabbits and Easter eggs were never part of my upbringing.  And we did not buy new fancy clothes.  Easter was a religious, joyous event.    When the boys were a bit older, I realized that more was expected of us at Easter, so we had Easter Egg Hunts and chocolate rabbits and Easter gifts.  We always ate ham at Easter too although I do not know why.   One Easter we were staying with David and Suzanne and the girls.  For the first time, I realized how Easter should really be celebrated in the United States.  My children were deprived.

I have reverted to my old ways of not being fancy at Easter.  I have purchased no chocolate bunnies or eggs.  But I still treat Easter as a joyous event at the heart of the Christian faith.  That is enough for me.  My grandchildren may not be pleased with my Easter Customs but they will understand that chocolate rabbits have nothing to do with Easter, at least in my life.

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