Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Wind.

Just when I was about to go for a walk on Friday, the wind whipped up.  It was gusting hard so too dangerous to be out alone walking outside on the roadway covered with trees.  The reservoir had waves which is unusual.  When we first moved into this house, a set of wind chimes were hanging in the courtyard out front.  Unfortunately, the area is protected so the chimes never moved.  This year, Ken moved the chimes down by the gazebo so we could hear them.  The water side has more wind than the street.  Ever since Friday afternoon, those wind chimes have been in continuous action.  They sound beautiful.

All day Saturday the wind blew hard.  No boats were on the water and no walking for me.  And the wind chimes were busy.  By evening,  the winds were stronger along with thunder and lightning and rain.  By the time we went to bed, the wind chimes sounded like an organ.  Constant sounds and very loud.   I was wondering what the neighbors felt about the chimes.  Even with the wind blowing hard, I could clearly hear their lovely sound.

Today, when we arrived at our designated restaurant Anjou with it's wonderful French food,  the manager commended us for coming out on a miserable morning.  I did not tell him that we were Canadians.  Evidently many folks had called to cancel their reservation.  The day was not terrible but the rain was still falling but not so much wind.  It never crossed our minds to cancel.  Molly would have missed eating her fill of mussels.

Tonight, the wind chimes are quiet, the first time since Friday.  We dodged some bullets.  No tornadoes and no electric outage.  Life is good.

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