Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. This Week.

This week we have no medical appointments which is a good thing.  Our week will be quiet but pleasant.  Monday afternoon Lourdes came to cook.   She stops at the grocery store on the way and she always keeps garlic, onions, potatoes and carrots in the fridge, so as soon as she walks in the house, she starts to cook.  From then on our house smells heavenly.  When she departs three hours later, she leaves  several dishes cooling on the counter to be eaten through the week.  We will be well fed.

This morning, Tuesday,  Elizabeth usually arrives at 9:30.  When she is not here, I know something has happened.  Today, when walking to her car, she fainted.  Fortunately, her neighbor saw her so took her to the hospital. After an MRI, it turns out a kidney stone was lodged and causing pain.  The good doctor broke up the stone and it has passed so now she is home.  Elizabeth. in addition to cleaning the house, also drives me on errands, but this week, Ken must accompany me on my rounds.  I must go to the bank and the grocery store tomorrow.  We are out of berries.

Wednesday afternoon Christina will arrive and work with Ken.  We are hoping she will learn the system so will be able to take over if Ken no longer wishes to deal with our accounting.  The rest of the week we will putter.  Ken today has installed a hummingbird feeder in the front walkway and filled the other feeders.  Those birds keep him hopping.  Usually, Elizabeth changes the sheets but today I I took on that task.  Every day I look after the kitchen.  I normally arrange the dinners and load the dishwasher, tasks that I have not been doing for many years.  I do not cook but I move around the food, and make decisions about what we will eat and when.  During the day I read in between chores.  Mississippi and the Civil War is what I am reading.  One book deals with the home front and the other book tells of the actual battles.  Our week will be quiet but pleasant, just like every other week in Mississippi.

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