Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. A Fine Time.

What a fine time Ken and I had tonight. We discussed our situation. While sitting in our TV room adjacent to our bedroom, all of which overlooks the reservoir, we ate Japanese food and watched the hockey game. Elizabeth drove me to the grocery store this afternoon and I returned with suchi and shashimi, made right in front of my eyes at the Kroger grocery store. The food was delicious and we enjoyed every bite. The poor Toronto team is not doing so well but by the end of the 2nd period the game was at least competitive so we enjoyed the game. And we talked about our life. Ken was supposed to have a life time of 42 years, and now he is 81 and enjoying his Japanese dinner and a hockey game, while sitting in a glass enclosed TV room in our comfortable home. And he is clearly doing better. Even he thinks so. He is stronger and his latest infection seems to be going away. So Ken is pleased although he wished he was not so uncomfortable so much of the time. With Parkinson's comes pain so he takes quite a bit of Tylenol Extra Strength, which does seem to help. My friend Colleen Q. died this year. Her husband Ed called me tonight to tell me. She had a rare neurological disease which they thought at first was Parkinsons but it turned out to be a rare disease that has no cure. Her head worked perfectly well to the end, but her body let her down. She and I belonged to a wonderful book club, a group I miss even now. When I heard that Colleen had died, Ken and I both agreed that we were fortunate to be enjoying ourselves tonight, dining together and watching a good hockey game. Tonight Ken and I had a fine time. And tomorrow at noon, Christina and the girls will bring lunch and we will eat together. We will remember to be grateful.

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