Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Dizzy Dames.

Picture this. On the way home after running errands, I noted that our car, driven by Diane, only had 50 miles to go before running out of gas, so Diane pulled into our favorite gas station. Ken always pumps our gas so I asked Diane if she knew how and she said yes. But she seemed dubious. While I am getting out my credit card, Diane asks what side of the car she would find the place to put the gas. Of course, I do not know, but I said there was a picture on the dash. Well I could find the picture of the little pump but could not see the picture clearly, so Diane finally gets out to find she is at the wrong side of the pump. And we giggle while she moved the car. When Diane gets to the pump. she is unable to open the tank so she gets back into the car to find a switch, which she can not find. We looked everywhere. Time is passing and we are still sitting in the car frantically searching. Finally I get out the directions and give them to Diane. I do not have reading glasses so I was useless. Next I texted Christina and I get out of the car. A nice young man wearing surgical scrubs was pumping gas, so I asked him. He politely came over, opened the door, and pushed the button on the floor of the car. It took him 3 seconds. He laughed. By then Christina had given me the correct information. We must have been sitting in the car for at least 10 minutes. We must have looked ridiculous. After a bit of fumbling by the both of us with the credit card, Diane pumped our gas and we finally drove home. And we laughed at ourselves. Diane commented that at least we did not quit. And we ended up with 2 correct answers. We were never able to find any information in the book of directions. We were quite a sight, 2 ladies sitting beside the pump and sitting beside the pump and sitting beside the pump...but never moving. Funny but I did not notice the other cars driving around us to get to the other pumps. Fortunately, in Mississippi, people are polite. Diane and I were dizzy dames today. But we got it done.

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