Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 3, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Our New Italian Chef.

Wow. For dinner tonight we ate a salad, made by our Italian chef and fancy bread, followed by salmon and a dish made from squashes and tomatoes. I can not spell the name of the dish. Everything came out of our freezer and fridge, but before our chef arrived today, the food would not have tasted the same. Ken ate everything put on his plate. And enjoyed it too. Ice cream for desert always pleases him. Diane Buckley arrived this morning to spend a week with us. We are delighted to have her company and her expertise. Neither Ken nor I discussed Diane's cooking, until now. But of course she is of Italian descent and Italians like to eat so we should have known. Now for the next week we will be living with our own Italian Chef. And we will enjoy. This afternoon, with Diane driving our car, we went to the grocery store. We had a list but still came home with no salt. Diane and I each had a basket, putting things in our basket at will. The best part of our shopping was the speed. We were in and out quickly. Our next errand was Walgreens. Then it was on to home and conversation with Ken in the living room and finally dinner at 8:30. Ken and I are already enjoying Diane in our home. And we certainly have enjoyed our first dinner, prepared by our own Italian Chef.

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