Monday, March 11, 2019

March 11, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. The Natural Science Museum.

In the early years of living in Mississippi we went to the Science Museum at least once a year. The girls loved it and so did we. But since Ken got Parkinson's and I was taking chemotherapy we stopped going. Until now. Greta Barbour and the two younger children met Christina, Molly and me at the museum at 10:00. And we enjoyed our visit. One thing I like that museum is the size. It is not huge. By 12:30 we were at lunch. Todays special show was on the oceans so we got to see large fish in multiple large containers of water. The most impressive part of the display is the Mississippi River Basin. They have a large electronic map that will track the water from where the water goes. The area drained by the Mississippi is huge. A Child can pour a bottle of water in a tube, then decide on the map where the water entered the system. Then you can watch on the map to see where the water travels. And how long that water takes to enter the Gulf. I loved the display years ago and was delighted to see it still operating. My habit with the boys at the zoo was to allow them to select a gift from the gift shop. I always told them the budget. Then they selected and we came home with happy children. I always did it with the Mississippi children. But I forgot about it today until the end. I was chatting with Christina as we were leaving and I asked her about it. She reminded me so I told the three children the drill. The budget was $10.. Then they could select a gift to take home. Molly had already visited the gift shop, hoping I would do it again, so she selected her gift immediately but the Mills children had a hard time selecting. I chatted with the cashier to ask if there were enough object for sale for under $10. She assured me there would be plenty. Finally we were ready for lunch, which we ate at a new Greek restaurant in Highland Colony. I had a wonderful day and hope the children did too.

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