Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Prostate Cancer.

Prostate Cancer must run in a family. In 2017, Cousin Ian had his prostate removed because it had cancer cells. Radiation followed. Now he has negligible numbers with the test. He is fine. When we were in Mexico in 2018, the doctors found that Ken had prostate cancer, so he had surgery to remove it. He was required to have a shot of something every four months. Other than that, the prostate cancer gave him no trouble. Late in February, when son David was having his annual physical, the doctor was running down the ailments in the family and David said that Ken had his prostate removed last year due to cancer. The doctor suggested that the test be done, just to be sure. To everyones surprise, David's numbers on the test were very high, in the high 350's. For a young man under fifty this was stunning. A biopsy was done which was positive for cancer, so the doctor urged David to take out the prostate. Yesterday the surgery was done successfully. David is at home resting. And the rest off us are relieved. Next we await the report from the pathologist, which will determine whether or not David will have radiation. David as you would expect has put it out go his mind until the deal needed to be done. He is positive about the outcome, as are all the doctors. But it does raise anxiety in the family. I for one am pleased David is home and resting, with the family keeping him company. It does seem that prostate cancer runs in families.

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