Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Light Bulbs.

When we were young, burned out light bulbs just got replaced. Our shelves were always full of bulbs ready to be put in service. But as we got older, the task was difficult. Eventually it was impossible. At a time when we could actually replace burned out bulbs in Nova Scotia, Mal started to change any needing to be replaced. Now his help is essential. One year when Pat and Mal were unable to come to visit we were forced to ask George our builder to replace the kitchen bulbs. Once at the lake house in Texas the light would not work in our shower which meant it was dark. We felt sure the fixture was defective so we called the electrician, who came only to replace the bulb. Ken and I laughed and called it the $100. bulb replacement. When I came back from Mexico I discovered 5 burned out bulbs. I asked Chantes to replace them but he has been busy and has not gotten around to it. The young man who looks after our yard enjoyed talking with Ken and felt sad Ken has passed away. He assured me that any time I needed help to call him, so I did. He graciously did the job. While his helper was weeding and trimming the yard, Lanny replaced the bulbs. Our shelves only had two new bulbs so he went to the store for the replacements. And he directed me to buy 6 more bulbs, leaving an empty box to be sure I could buy the correct bulbs. Our lights are all glowing, thanks to Lanny. He again assured me that any time I need anything, I should ask him. He is happy to help, which is just what I need. It would have never crossed my mind many years ago that I would need the yard man to change my light bulbs. But I am grateful.

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