Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 31, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. A Retirement Trip.

Wendy and Ken decided to take a small trip, just because they could. They are both retired. Last evening, 4 inches of snow fell in Ontario, which is the reason they wanted to get out of town. They were looking at Nevada and Utah and Arizona. I suggested they come to Jackson and travel in the South, using my house as the headquarters. So they did. As well, they would visit with me and of course help me too. Their plan was a good one and I am enjoying their company. Yesterday morning they drove to Memphis. They enjoyed their visit and toured Graceland and ate barbecue. And they drove across the Mississippi River several times, something that is always impressive. After staying overnight just outside Memphis, they toured Oxford and the Faulkner home. And they brought me a wonderful book from Square Books. Next up was Tupelo. Then back home tonight at 7:30. It was lots of driving in the two days but they enjoyed their time in the country. Now they have a better idea of Mississippi. Tuesday they will drive to New Orleans and come home via Natchez, arriving back home on Saturday. I thought it was a splendid idea to get out of Ontario during the last of the winter weather. They are enjoying traveling in Mississippi and I em enjoying their company. Everybody wins during this retirement trip.

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