Thursday, March 7, 2019

March 7, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. The Massage Chair.

I never liked that chair. From the moment Ken told me he had ordered a massage chair on the Internet I knew it was a mistake. I had felt mechanical massage chairs at the pedicure. I knew they hurt. But I was slow getting out to buy a recliner so Ken took it into his own hands. When the chair was set up in the TV room, we both realized that the chair needed to be down stairs where it stayed for the year. I did not actually know how often Ken used it because Ken would go down with his helper but I know he did not use it often. Since we returned from Nova Scotia Ken only went downstairs once. I always hated the chair. It was big and black and ugly. But all the grandchildren loved to use it and urged me to keep it. This weekend I was downstairs looking at the big ugly massage chair and realized that just looking at it makes me feel bad. I am reminded of Ken;'s bad judgement of the past two years. I decided to donate the chair. No one has used the chair since Ken died. I asked Kashina if she knew any one who wanted the chair. I was thinking a retirement home or nursing home. She surprised me by saying she would love to take it off my hands. She and Ken used it and she used it more than Ken,. I immediately called friend mover. This afternoon he came and took it apart and transported it to Crystal Springs, where Kashina lives. I no longer must look at it. The sun room has been restored to it's former glory and I am pleased it is gone. Now I await the ire of my wonderful granddaughters. But I am happy. I always hated that big ugly black massage chair. Now it is gone.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

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