Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 13, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Reading Glasses.

All of a sudden I needed reading glasses to read anything. Ken ordered a dozen pair so I keep a pair beside everywhere I might need to read. I have a pair beside every chair including the chair where I watch TV. I have a pair in the bathroom to read the medicine bottles. And a pair under the microwave. I carry a pair in my purse to read menus. I keep a pair in the car and one in my backpack. The small pair in my purse has a cloth case. On Monday at the restaurant the glasses were not in my purse. I thought I had left them at the restaurant on Sunday, so I called them. But the helpful man could not find my glasses which are distinctive because of the case. The man at the restaurant invited me to come and check their drawer full of reading glasses. He commented that many folks leave them on the table. Now that was good information. Yesterday I ate lunch with the family and could not read the menu. The hostess was still chatting with us so I asked her if I could borrow a pair of reading glasses. She laughed and said she had a big drawer of them and she would bring a few to try on. The first pair did not work. The second pair was the best of all my glasses so I thanked her for bailing me out. She said,"You may keep those glasses. They could have been in the drawer for either a day or a year but now they are yours". Who knew that restaurants have drawers full of reading glasses? It makes sense of course. Now I am pleased to be carrying an excellent pair of reading glasses, thanks to the hostess at the restaurant.

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