Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. My Evenings.

A friend at BSF said that for her the most difficult time of the day since she has been a widow is the evenings. Her solution is to keep a book to read after she eats dinner. It is a book she only reads at night so during the day she looks forward to reading the book. Of course, she must always be sure she has a good book at hand. But that helps her to keep happy in the evenings. My solution is different. I have activities to be done. By 4:00 my daytime activities are finished. I walk at that time. After my walk I change clothes into what I call my evening dress, which is a flannel night shirt of Kens. It keeps me warm and cosy. At 5:00 I drink my orange drink while checking on TV for what will be available that night. Next I go downstairs to do my exercises with the weights. At least I do them three times a week. I open the mail and check e mails next. Some time between 7 or 8, I heat the food that Reisys has cooked for me and I eat while watching TV. Then I go to the computer to write my blog. Finally I go back to my e mails and plug in my phone. Ken set up a. charger beside the place on the couch where I read e mails so it is convenient. Or I watch TV if I have found interesting programs. I do not read at night, other than e mails. My eyes by then are weary. Between 11 and 12, I remove my flannel evening dress and put on my sleeping gown, which is not hot. Then I go to sleep. My evening activities are odd but they fill ups my evening and keep me engaged and happy. During the day I talk to people and go out into the world but at night I am by myself so keep busy with the activities that keep me engaged but are not difficult. My system works for me, which of course is all that matters.

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