Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 5, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Cold Weather.

Last night the temperature dipped to 25 degrees, which is as cold as Mississippi ever gets. People are staying home because it is so cold. Of course, most people in Mississippi have no clue how to stay warm. I did teach Kashina how to stay warm but I still see her wearing her shirt not tucked into her pants and wearing light socks. But like the snow, they know the temperature will go up soon. By Friday, the temperature will be 70, which is normal. When I was writing about cold weather walking and my teeth, I realized that it had been years since I walked in cold weather. Perhaps my teeth have changed. So this afternoon I walked in 45 degrees, wearing gloves and a scarf. I walked for thirty minutes and I was fine. For many years, Ken and I followed 80 degrees so I have not been in cold weather for ages so when I think of cold weather walking I am speaking of the good old days. As we know, memories plays tricks with us but I still expect to walk in moderate temperatures. Fortunately, the home here is cosy. Every time I come back into the house I am pleased. Now that the third system was installed for the bedroom and TV, everyplace is comfortable. I am cosy everywhere even when the outdoors is cold. Again the thermometer will read 26 but I am happy in my cozy house. And when I go out I know how to stay warm because I am a Canadian!!.

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