Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Wonderful Wendy.

So far today Wendy has filled all the bird feeders, repaired several slats on the deck, cleaned out the leaves from the table with the fire in the center, used tools to open the door to the propane tank which would not open, oiled and repaired the latch, started the fire in the center of the table, thrown out broken flower pots, made us all lunch and came with me on my walk. She is a whiz. Wendy and Ken arrived yesterday afternoon. Ken had a bad cold so we all decided to chill out today and hang out at home. So Wendy went looking for things to do. And she found things, all of which I appreciated. They came to get away from the cold weather in Ontario and to visit New Orleans and Memphis. I live in the middle of the two cities so they decided to stay with me as well as tour the cities. While they are here we will take trips in Mississippi. Tomorrow we will drive to Vicksburg, then go north in the little roads close to the Mississippi River. Nebraska is flooding but the Mississippi down here is not yet at flood stage but we want to see for ourselves. Saturday they will go to Memphis. I will stay home. For the first time this season, we three sat on the deck enjoying the warm evening air. Boats were out in force, with three sailing boats making our scene perfect. I am enjoying having Wendy and Ken here in Mississippi. Sitting on the deck and sipping a glass of wine was delightful. I am glad they are here.

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