Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. French Eclairs.

Eleanor spent a year working as a Nanny when she was 17. She wanted to learn French and to learn how to make French pastries. The family she lived with bought their pastries at the local bakery so she got no instructions from them. But she bought a cook book and learned and experimented, which pleased her employer. The best part is that she remembered what she learned. Yesterday the ladies and the girls were invited to a French Coffee Party. We were served coffee made in a French Press along with home made eclairs. Eleanor and Isabell made 52 eclairs, half filled with vanilla. cream and half with chocoolate cream. To say that the eclairs were delicious is a gross understatement. They looked wonderful and tasted even better. We all ate two. And Eleanor sent one home with each of us, making a total of three chocolate eclairs for the day. They were worth the calories. All the girls from the three families along with the three ladies and one grandmother sat in the family room eating and drinking and talking, all served on china and silver. The event was elegant yet comfortable and all ages enjoyed the conversation along with the eclairs and coffee. Eleanor even made herbal tea for me as the party was at 3:00, past time for me to drink caffeine. We were all so pleased that Eleanor decided to make eclairs. She said it had been at least ten years since she last Mae them. Our French Party was delightful and delicious and I enjoyed every minute.

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