Tuesday, May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021. Madison, Mississippi. Dinner at my Neighbor.

Just after I finished my orange drink, I was thinking and walking in my house. All day today we had on and off rain so I did my walking inside. I was thinking about what I should eat for dinner. Nothing seemed appealing while I walked so when I finished walking, I made a batch of popcorn. Just after it finished in the microwave, the beep on my phone reminded me that I had a text. My sweet neighbor Donna invited me to come and eat a spaghetti dinner with them in their home. Problem solved. My popcorn would wait. Their son Hughes was home from college which pleased me. He is a nice young man so I was happy to get to talk with him. We sat at their kitchen island for dinner. They seated me at the end of the island with the others on the side so I was able to see all three while we dined. Their daughter Anne Avery was out for the evening having dinner at the home of her boyfriend, a new experience for Donna and Greg. This boyfriend is the first for their daughter. Evidently Hughes dated during high school and they never thought a thing about it. But as they said, a girl is different. So everyone, imcluding Hughes was a bit anxious. Such fun. They brought me home directly after dinner as Greg gets up early every morning so he needed to go to bed. But I enjoyed my visit in their lovely home. Several times in the past, Donna has brought dinner over to me but this time she invited me to join them in their kitchen. And she told me that in the future she will do it again. I told her that I would accept.

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