A wise person once told me that getting old was not for sissies. And she was right. Things keep changing. When the babies were little, Ken used to joke that by the time we as parents figured out the babies new routine, they were just about to change their routine. Just when I get my situation in control, something happens to me and I am required to make changes in my patterns. And everything must be done gracefully. No one wants he hear me grousing.
At the ranch, our neighbor was a perfect example of how to not grow old gracefully. He and his wife and son and daughter in law bought the adjacent ranch. They all moved from Corpus Christie, where they had a construction business. They had everything they needed to enjoy their life. They had enough money. The son and daughter in law lived in the main house while the old folks lived in a lovely apartment next door. But every time we saw them, all he talked about was his inability to do when he once did. And he talked about his ailments. It was difficult to be with him due to all his complaints. I do not know how his wife could stand it. Rather than enjoying what he had, he was busy spoiling it for everyone around him.
I have learned several things since I have gotten old and that is to dwell on what I am able to do, not on the parts of my life that I can not do. If I think about them, I get irritated and sad. So I pay no attention to what I used to be able to accomplish. So I enjoy my life. And I have become patient. No point in being difficult. I just keep a list and ask my helper or Christina to help. I just focus on what I can do and enjoy. My motto is that if I am walking and talking and not complaining, I am good to go. All old people should do the same.
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