Saturday, October 29, 2022

October 29, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Packages.

Ken ordered everything on Amazon.  Every day, packages came to our door.  He had been doing it for years, because I did not go to the grocery stores due to all the people and his Parkinson's made shopping difficult, he ordered everything on the internet.  And it worked well.  I would bring the packages into the house and put things away.  All I needed to do was to tell Ken what we wanted.

During Covid of course, it worked like a charm and I continued Ken's system.  But as my eyes deteriorated, ordering on line was difficult so every Sunday, when Christina would drive me home from brunch, she would order anything I wanted.  So that worked well until now.  Since I have come home from Nova Scotia, I have had trouble.  I must use the walker and I am unable to pick up heavy boxes to bring them into the house.  The small packages are fine but I can not use both arms to pick up a large box.  So they sit on my front stoop.

Fortunately, I have a very nice across the street neighbor so when I have a box sitting outside, I text her.  When she is home, she comes and picks up the box and brings it into the kitchen.  It is a bit pathetic.  But it is true.  I need a helper to bring a box into the house.  My neighbor Donna tells me that she is happy to help.  I certainly am grateful for her help. 

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