Ian and Rita made the wise decision by driving back home. Ian was seen quickly by the GP and the Urologist. After a scope, Ian discovered that he had two tears in his bladder, which was causing the bleeding. The doctor cauterized the two tears. Now he is no longer finding blood in his urine. For a few weeks he must take things easy and not lift or strain. Other than that, he is doing well. They were both disappointed to miss their vacation at Western Head. But they made the right decision.
I am doing well too. My blood counts are normal, according to Norm. And I have had my two shots at a clinic in Bridgewater, all arranged by Nifty Norm. My glucose levels are not terrible but not good either. For a few days, my numbers are below 200 but most of the time I am in the 200, usually below 250. I am still taking meds to bring down my glucose level but that should change soon. I have only a few days of the chemo, Piqray, because my Oncologist would not allow me to take but one month. When I will be no longer off the Piqray, my glucose level should go down. So I must watch carefully. But I am doing well here at Western Head even though my Oncologist said that I was way to ill to be traveling. Grrr.
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