Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015. Madison, Ms. Normal Life.

My good friend Joyce will be delighted to know that I have had my hair trimmed.  Since my immune system had improved, my life has become almost normal so I called the hair salon and asked for an appointment without any worry about lots of other people around me giving me an infection.  Now I look neat and tidy.  Tomorrow I am going to the grocery store.  My normal life is returning.

When we were in San Antonio,  I attended two volleyball games.  The Oncologist suggested that I might get a cold if I went to the games, but it would not be a life threatening event for me and that my immune system would be strong enough to fight the infection in the normal way.  So that  happened.  I seem to have acquired a cold with no fever but lots of sneezing and coughing.  I am just having a regular cold.  I am already feeling as if my cold is better and I was not really ever sick.

The house is feeling normal too.  The heating and ac systems have been installed and the carpet is complete.  I have been prowling around the house making life comfortable for myself such as water on my desk and coasters on the table where I read.  The house looks prettier without my stuff around but it would not feel like my home.   Normal feels pretty good.

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