Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015. Harper, Texas. My Hair.

My solution to the situation is to never look in a mirror.  Joyce is encouraging me to have my hair cut.  What has happened is predictable but irritating.   When all my hair fell out, I was not upset because I knew the chemotherapy was working on the cancer as well as my hair.  I also knew that when hair grows back,  the new hair would be different  But it never crossed my mind that my hair would be difficult.  I had hoped my new hair would be curly and red.  No such luck.

Firstly, my hair is growing in very very slowly probably because one of the side effects of the Ibrance is  loss of hair.  My hair started to grow in June so it had been growing all summer.  By now it is about one inch long.  The hair is fine,  almost like baby hair and it sticks out in all directions.  I look ridiculous.  On the top, it might get curly but on both sides it sticks straight out.  I look very funny.

For an hour after I shower, my hair looks fine but as soon it dries, I look like a porcupine.  Perhaps I could use a hair dryer but I don't have one at the Top House so I ignore the problem.  Sooner or later my hair will get longer.  Then I will get it trimmed.  In the meantime, I will eat humble pie...and avoid the mirror.

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