Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015. Madison, Mississippi. The Scans.

"Overall, moderate improvement in disease burden, with minimal residual active disease within the chest and of a few sub centimeter osseous lesions.
There is continued re-mineralization of several osseous lesions in keeping with good response to treatment, now nearly all without abnormal hyper metabolic activity.  A few osseous lesions remain partially lytic with only very low-level FDG-avidity."  Quotes from my scan report.

So I am doing better but am not perfect.  In addition, I have an infection in one lung so am now on a five day Z pac to get it gone.  It is an infection not a cancer.  Today I had a new chest Xray.

The Oncologist was pleased with my progress and my activities.  My blood counts are again low so she will keep me at the same level of Ibrance for another month.  I see her in two weeks and then will decide to bump me back up to the higher dosage.   It is interesting to see that the cancer in the bones is partially gone and new bone is replacing the diseased areas.  My body is doing good work, thanks to modern medicine and the efforts of friends and relatives.  Between Reiki treatments via the airways, multiple prayers from multiple people. good clean air and excellent food, my body is recovering.  Thanks be to God.

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