Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015. Madison, Ms. Storms.

Storms are exciting, especially when listening to the howling wind from the safety of a warm and cosy bed.  I kept trying to figure out where all the noise was coming from.  We have no surf crashing in as we have on the ocean in Nova Scotia.   The noise last night in the middle was deafening and exciting.  But when I went to the bathroom and discovered water dripping on my head I decided that the storm needed to be over.  I spread towels around my sink and went back to sleep, hoping the rain would stop.

This morning we discovered three windows leaking water.  The rain was pounding horizontal at the house and the old caulking failed.  Not much water came in  but between the high wind and the heavy rain, our windows failed.  Now we need someone to calk.  Fortunately the rain stopped this morning but the wind is still very high, which means no one will climb a ladder any time soon.

For the first time at the house,  we saw large waves crashing into the shore.  I had read that the boaters must pay attention to the weather because the reservoir does become rough quickly.  No boats were on the water today.  Part of the sound last night was the waves.  The rest was the wind howling in the trees and around the house.  It was dramatic.  But I can do without water dripping on my head while standing at my sink!!

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