Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017. Kerrville, Texas. The Hampton Inn.

Ken has been experimenting with modest priced motels.  Some time last year when we were staying at our favorite Comfort Inn in Fredericksburg, Ken thought our room seemed a bit musty.  That very night, he looked at the rating for all other motels.  We have been using a different motel ever since.  Much to his surprise, La Quinta has the top rating but we have yet to use it, at least not yet.  Next week I have doctor appointments on adjacent days so we will probably stay the night in Fredericksburg, but nor in The Comfort Inn.

Our drive from the lake to Kerrville was just over an hour.  We left just after noon.  I loaded the car with our small cases and backpacks, along with the food that Suzanne had kindly set out in the fridge for us.  I can not carry a loaded cooler out to the store  so yesterday David put 2 bags of ice in the cooler and put it in the car.  Today I just carried the food to the car in bags, which I was able to carry on my shoulders.  On stairs, I must hold on to a railing.  His  system was great.  The ice was still frozen and  I was able to load up the car.  David and Suzanne also took our car to fill up with gas so we did not need to stop today.

The Hampton Inn is just fine.  The room was ready when we arrived so we took a nap before going out to eat.  Ken was still asleep before I was hungry so I ordered a big pizza and salad along with cheese cake, which was delivered in 20 minutes.  We now have enough food to eat all evening so we are now in our night shirts and will stay in our lovely room.  Tomorrow my appointment with the eye surgeon is for 9:30 so we must be up to have breakfast before heading to the doctor.

We arrived at The Hampton Inn at the same time as a storm.  I got drenched just getting my backpack out of the car.  On the elevator, a man wearing leather clothes had just driving through pelting rain.  It was definitely not a good day to be driving a motor cycle.  He said he was pleased to be at his motel, safe and should.   We too were pleased that we got as far as Kewrrville with only one short rest stop.  Progress.

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