Monday, April 1, 2019

April 1, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. A Glass of Wine.

I texted my neighbor, Sandy, to see if she wanted to come with me for a walk. As they had just returned from Bridge, she said no, but she invited me to come in for a glass of wine on my return, which I did. Sandy and Archie are good neighbors but they are busy people. They play Bridge three times a week and they have lived in Jackson for a long time, so their dance cards are full. So I appreciate Sandy taking the time to share a glass of wine with me. Inviting me for a glass of wine at the end of the afternoon is about the nicest thing a person could give me. She and I chatted about everything important to us and we had a lot of fun. Sandy is energetic and full of life and we have a good time together. She wants me to learn how to play bridge. Soon in April they will drive to North Carolina where they spend the summer months, returning in October. While there they play golf, and play Bridge. Several friends have purchased homes in the same golf club community so they keep an active social live there. Sandy is one of those people you would like to spend more time with, but you never will. She is a good neighbor and before they leave I will invite her over for coffee. Inviting me for a glass of wine was a lovely gesture on her part. I enjoyed every minute in her lovely home.

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