Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Rain.

At 6 this morning I awoke to heavy rain. Since my arrival, people have told me that we needed rain. I heard the same story in Nova Scotia. And friend Wendy tells me that Maryland is parched. When I started out walking on Sunday I discovered that it was raining but lightly so I kept going. During my walk a neighbor commented to me that she hoped it would keep raining. "We have had no rain since late July," she said. The rain increased in intensity so I cut my walk short. But soon the rain stopped. Nothing seems better than snuggled down in bed listening to rain and thunder. I feel so smug for some reason. I went back to sleep but got up to more rain. It has been raining all day, sometimes hard and other times a drizzle, but rain all day. It is still raining and the forecast is to have rain continue until sunrise, with more storms. I stayed home all day and enjoyed the rain. The wind was high so the waves came over the neighbors dock. I could not walk but got in a good amount of walking inside the house. Fortunately the house is wide. Mississippi gets on average 52 inches of rain each year so I seldom hear complaints of drought. Now Jackson folks will be pleased with all the rain today and night. I enjoyed my day at home in the rain.

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