Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 2, 2019. San Antonio, Texas. Downton Abbey and Baseball.

To celebrate Suzanne's birthday on Sunday, David and Suzanne, Sarah, Allison and Samantha went out to brunch. Then they went to the new movie, Downton Abbey. David was the only one who missed it when it was on TV, so he now wants to know what happened and how it was done. Since I have arrived, David and I have watched five segments of the first year of the show. I had seen the DVD's with Kate and Mary Frances when they were at the farm. Dave and Irene gave us the discs and actually finished the whole series for us so I had seen the shows. But it was fun watching them again. While I am here, we are going to watch them all, says David. We are having fun. Monday, the day I arrived, he stayed home the rest of the afternoon and today he came home from work at 3:00 so we can watch more Downton Abbey. Baseball playoffs have started so we expect to watch baseball and Downton Abbey all week. Yesterday was the first Wild Card game, between the Brewers and the Nationals. That game was the most satisfying game to watch, especially if you were cheering for the Nationals who won at the last minute. The Brewers magical month of September had ended and their season has ended. But the Washington Nationals live to play another series, which is good. This evening we watched Tampa Bay beat Oakland, which pleased us. Tampa Bay now plays the Houston Astros, who have had trouble beating Oakland through the season. We are looking forward to watching lots of good baseball. We are all cheering for the Astros to win the World Series. I look forward to a week of Baseball and Downton Abbey as I visit with my Family. What could be better?

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